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  • Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding  Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322
Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding  Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322

Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322

  • Product description: Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322

PCB Soldering Machine,CWDH-322

Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding  Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322 Feature:

1.Heating rate could be adjustable for different products
2.Long life time thermode made of titanium alloy, ensure even temperature, fast raising
3.Thermode designed to be horizontal adjustment, ensure even component compression
4.Numerical control temperature, clear and precise
5.Has digital manometes, preset pressure range
6.Controlled by precise PID, phasc-angle driving
7.Less vibration,less noise,voltage does not fluctuate
8.Welding head made of molybdenum alloys, good heat transfer coefficient, abrasion - resistant

PCB Soldering Machine,CWDH-322
Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding  Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322 Specification:
Size:                                              915mmX600mmX880mm
Operating Condition:                    10-60℃, 40%-95%
Working size:                                X=580mm, Y1=280mm, Y2=280mm, Z=80mm
Welding Pressure:                          1-10KG
Power:                                           AC220V±10% 50HZ 2300W
Max speed:                                     X/Y=600mm/s; Z=400mm/S
Repeat precision:                           ±0.02mm (X, Y, Z)
Depression(Pa):                             0.45-0.70Mpa
Heating time:                                 1-99.9s
Memory storge:                              256MB(1000 files)
Soldering iron:                               150W+150W

Robotic Soldering in Robotics & Automation,PCB Bonding  Machine,Automated Soldering Machine,CWDH-322 Detailed description:
1. multi-axis robot, all using precision stepper motor drive and advanced motion control algorithms, effectively raising
campaign end (tip) of the positioning accuracy and repeatability (automatic homing no cumulative error),
to achieve the 3D space arbitrary solder accurate location
2. Th hi d t b dd di d t The machine adopts embedded industrial computer control, you can select a single point/single/circulation solder job
3. simple and convenient way of programming, you can directly enter coordinates joints can teach reproduce solder
joint position coordinates. Teach programming is simple to operate, without mechanical preparation areas of
expertise hand program so beginners can quickly master the operation essentials. Simple teach pendant can guide
the movement of the end (tip) to reach any spot position in 3D space, the operator is no special technical and
professional requirements, the realization of human editing operations.
4. VVaarriioouuss ooff wweellddiinngg wwaayy,, ssuuppppoorrtt ssppoott wweellddiinngg aanndd ddrraagg wweellddiinngg,, aallll ppaarraammeetteerrss iiss sseetttteedd uupp bbyy uusseerr,,
meet high difficult welding and micro soldering requirements. All soldering parameters could be read and saved
together with welding point coordinates, achieve flexible soldering
5. Realizes real-time peripheral devices by 1/0 USB, has error alarm and high speed motion program functions.
Intelligent main control program realizes automation and intelligence

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